Jul 262013

One South: An Ethnic Approach to Regional Culture

One South: An Ethnic Approach to Regional Culture

In the informal, engaging essays brought together in ONE SOUTH, John Shelton Reed focuses on the South’s strong regional identity and on the persistence, well into the last decades of the twentieth century, of Southern cultural distinctiveness. Reed argues that Southerners are similar in much the same way that members of an ethnic group are similar. He discusses the South’s shared cultural values, ranging from serious examinations of Southern violence and regional identity to considerations of

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  One Response to “One South: An Ethnic Approach to Regional Culture”

  1. 5.0 out of 5 stars
    Good book!, June 9, 2013

    Amazon Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
    This review is from: One South: An Ethnic Approach to Regional Culture (Paperback)

    Though I am not a sociologist, I found the book useful in providing a statistic understanding of literary arguments about Southern cultural dilenma.

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