Jul 212013

Facial Feminization Surgery FFS Surgeons Listings

Facial Feminization Surgery FFS Surgeons Listings

  • Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) Surgeons, Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) Surgeons: The worldwide Transgendered Woman’s guide.
  • This is a 46 Page list of doctors (surgeons) preforming Facial Feminization Surgery and Sex Reassignment Surgery.

List Price: $ 0.00

Price: $ 0.00

May 162013

Facial Feminization Surgery: A Guide for the Transgendered Woman

Facial Feminization Surgery: A Guide for the Transgendered Woman

A practical guide to facial-feminization surgery for the male who is transitioning to female, this book focuses on a pioneering form of cosmetic surgery that reshapes the male facial structure. Dramatic before and after photographs and detailed illustrations of each surgery show how reconstructive surgery recontours the brow and nose ridge, reduces the size of the jawbone and chin, and reshapes the trachea to eliminate the Adam’s apple.

List Price: $ 49.95

Price: $ 24.07

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